Desperation/ imagination

Both vulnerable, South deals

What would you bid with the East hand after partner doubled for a second time? Some credited East with great imagination when he chose to pass at a Scandinavian tournament some years ago. In truth, he was desperate, and at bridge, desperation is often the mother of imagination. East couldn’t imagine getting a plus score if he bid something, so he passed and prayed that something good would happen.

Something good did happen, as West, the true hero of this deal showed great imagination and great judgement in the defence. East played an encouraging spade on partner’s ace at trick one. West judged that partner wasn’t trying to show a doubleton spade, so he under led his king of spades to East’s queen at trick two. East returned a spade to the king and West had another chance to shine.

West reasoned that East would likely have bid a five-card suit, if he had one, so he cashed his ace of diamonds before continuing with a fourth spade. He knew this was giving South a ruff-sluff, but it was the key play to defeat the contract. East ruffed with his queen of hearts and West’s jack of trumps was now the setting trick. It helps to have a skilful partner when you make a decision out of desperation. East was grateful to have one.

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