Technical Guruji: How to look your best on video calls

{ Q+A }

Best face forward

On video calls, I sit in the brightest corner of my room, yet my face looks the darkest. What gives?

—Kartika M, Via email

Just being in the brightest corner with a window does not help! You could be seated against the light or your camera could be positioned in the wrong direction. For video, the light source should be as wide as possible, not a spotlight. When the light is widespread and diffused, you can adjust your camera angles and bring it to your eye level to check for exposure. Try to be in front of natural light and if you have to video call in artificial light, move away from harsh light to a bigger source.

Smart shift or not?

If I shift from using a PC-based laptop to an Apple laptop, is it true that I’ll never be able to come back to PC? 

—Shania FG, On Instagram 

This has been true for me: I brought my iMac 12 years ago and I’ve not been able to go back to Windows simply because the Mac is more reliable and stable compared to Windows. Try it out and see what works for you the best. A lot of corporates continue to work on PC-based laptops that are Windows-compatible, so Microsoft is doing well. However, for me there has been no return.

Gaurav is the world’s largest tech vlogger on YouTube with almost 20 million subscribers. His welcome “Namaskaar dosto… (Hello friends)” is endearing as it is popular

From HT Brunch, November 22, 2020

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