What to expect from your partner based on their zodiac sign

From the free-spirited nature of a Sagittarius partner to a short-tempered Leo lover; here's all you need to know

When you start liking someone romantically, there are so many questions — a person’s likes, dislikes, nature, habits — that come to your mind along with that exhilarating feeling of being in love. While there are many things that play a role in the future of a relationship, it should begin with knowing and understanding each other perfectly.

“To do that, the horoscope of a person can help you immensely,” says Jeevika Sharma, a guidance counsellor, and tarot card reader.

To help you with the same, she shares what the 12 signs can expect from their partners. 


If your partner is a Capricorn then it would be advisable that you keep your expectations low or even nil, sometimes. That is because you may end up feeling disappointed. With them, you just need to go with the flow.


Don’t force your partner to tell you everything immediately. They need time to open up. So, you need to allow your Aquarius partner time to be comfortable to share how their day went and what’s going on in their mind.


You can expect them to do unexpected things. They might surprise you by planning a romantic candlelight dinner or writing a poem for you. Your partner prefers to do or say things on an impromptu basis!


Aries partner would guide you through everything at the right time. But you need to express to them that you need help.


They will strive to rectify any shortcomings which you may have. They will always pinpoint whatever you lag and that could immensely help you improve yourself.


They tend to change very soon. In fact, they could be thinking of two things at the same time or even change their behaviour very quickly. It’s not surprising that people say Geminis are unpredictable!


Your Cancer partner has an incorrigible habit of comparing everything. Be it gifts, your personality, actions, and even reactions; and most of the time they have no valid reason for the habit. Learn to live with it because they can’t get rid of this annoying habit.


Your Leo partner could lose their temper too soon. But you can be assured they will always be a team player. They will be your biggest support system and will always be ready to give you a shoulder to cry on.


Your partner will generally shift to resorting to creative measures in most of the things they undertake. But you should not worry as they will reach the top in anything they assign themselves to.


When in a relationship, a Libran will act in the most foolish way possible — cracking jokes etc. But whatever they say or do even with a foolish or playful intent they do it with pride.


It could be a challenge to be with a Scorpion partner. They have various shades to them; so, sometimes it gets really difficult to read them. This is why it is often said that Scorpions are mysterious but they are also tenacious. They will stick by your side through the good and the bad times.


Sagittarius are the same in a relationship as they are without one — free-spirited. You need to match their pace and this is what they expect from you, too. They won’t stop for you and will leave you if you fall behind because they always look for someone who will be a partner in their adventures.

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