‘Reopen schools in rural areas with less than 50 student strength’

The National Coalition on Education Emergency has demanded that lower primary schools in rural areas with a student strength of less than 50 should be reopened immediately.

In a press release issued on Friday, it stated that children who are enrolled in small schools are in the same bubble as the community and are already playing with one another outside their homes. “These should be the first to be opened. Gradually, other schools should be opened, with staggered resumption, for different classes, shift system, as required, for larger schools,” the release added.

The coalition welcomed the State government’s decision to reopen classes IX to XII. “In-school transmission of the virus by children or teachers can be lowered by taking normal public health precautions, including reasonable distancing, wearing masks, regular testing, and sanitising and isolating/treating cases of infection among students and teachers.”

It stated that decisions on opening of schools should be made by the district and taluk administration, and under guidelines issued by the State and Central governments, for greater flexibility. “When cases are detected, immediate steps must be taken locally for containment and medical attention,” the coalition said.

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