Cat gets her human a live rat as gift. Her human’s reaction has Reddit in giggles

This furry feline must be a strong believer of the golden rule of philosophy i.e. ‘do to others what you’d want them to do to you’. Maybe that’s why she got her mommy this live rat as a token of appreciation. Maybe she hopes that her hooman will get a hint and soon serve her some delicious mice also. But given this lady’s reaction, we hardly think she was impressed with her cat’s hunting skills.

A Reddit user posted this 30-second long clip which one should watch with its sound on to hear the cat mom’s comic reaction effect. It is captioned “at least we still have Door Dash” and shows a kitty with a live rat in her mouth trying to get inside the house. Her human mom who understands her child’s emotion but definitely does not want a live rodent running around in her house locks the cat outside. She says, “it’s alive” referring to the rat. Then she starts talking to her cat through the glass door stating, “you’re not coming in. Nope. Not going to happen”. Unless one speaks ‘meow’ it is hard to tell exactly how the cat feels about this treatment. However one can infer that she is not amused by her hooman’s rejection of the present she’s got.

The video has over 1,700 upvotes as well as almost 70 comments.

At least we still have Door Dash from r/funny

The Reddit community very well knows cats and their obsession with presenting their human’s with unsuitable gifts, which is why the responses on the subreddit were highly heartfelt. One person said, “man she must really love you. Mine always ate the heads which I assume are the best tasting parts”. While another Reddit user pondered about the cat’s alternative motivation for presenting the mouse. They commented, “no, she thinks you are a s##tty hunter and is trying to show you how it’s done”.

A Reddit user tried to fathom the cat’s perspective about this lockout when commenting, “dammit! I almost dropped it, will you open door”! The initial poster of the video also disclosed how this grave cutoff ended when replying to a comment saying, “the mouse made its escape intact and she was allowed back into the house”.

Well, all’s well that ends well. Even though we thoroughly appreciate this kitty’s effort, we really are glad we don’t get such food deliveries every single day!

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