Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for December 1, what’s in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs

The sun, moon and the planets determine whether the odds will be in our favour today. Each sign has its own characteristics and personality traits which tell us a lot about a person. Wouldn’t it then be helpful if we started our day by already knowing about what’s going to come our way? Horoscopes help by giving a little hint about what the day is going to be like for all of us. Read on.

* Aries (March 21-April 20): Giving a helping hand on the domestic front will be highly appreciated. A train or plane journey is on the cards and will be fun. Suitable accommodation will be obtained by those looking for it. Getting caught unprepared on the academic front is possible. Taking recourse to alternative medicine for an ailment will be a step in the right direction for those ailing. It is best not to suggest anything for which you are not ready to put in your money. Doctors, engineers and other professionals can expect a satisfying day, both professionally and monetarily.

Love Focus: It may become difficult to hide your feelings for someone you secretly adore on the romantic front.

Lucky Colour: Golden Brown

Lucky Alphabet: M

Friendly Numbers: 8, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Taurus

Be careful of: Virgo

* Taurus (April 21-May 20): Take time off to enjoy a short vacation with your near and dear ones. Plans to convert a bungalow into builder floors can get underway. Those lagging behind in academics will manage to catch up. You will enjoy a phase of good health with efforts. Money expected from someone will be received. Striking a good understanding with co-workers will be in your interest on the professional front. Don’t be too harsh for disciplining a family youngster.

Love Focus: Developments in a romantic relationship may not be to your liking.

Lucky Colour: Dark Grey

Friendly Numbers: 4, 8

Friendly Zodiac Today: Capricorn & Scorpio

Be careful of: Libra

* Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Property owners will be able to rent out their property. This is the time to contemplate on a future course of action on the academic front. Aches and pains that some of you are suffering from are set to disappear soon. You will heave a sigh of relief, as you manage to avoid a big wasteful expenditure.

With good networking, a prized posting can be yours. Parent or spouse may not agree with your views and can make a big issue of it. Look forward to an exciting trip.

Love Focus: Spending quality time with lover is indicated and will give an opportunity for a heart-to-heart talk.

Lucky Colour: Cream

Lucky Alphabet: G

Friendly Numbers: 6, 9

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aquarius & Virgo

Be careful of: Leo

* Cancer (Jun 22-July 22): Your financial position is set to grow stronger. Remaining aware of the changes on the professional front will be important for you. Your taking out time for the family today will be much appreciated. Uninvited guests threaten to upset your personal plans, so take steps to make yourself scarce today! Search for property is likely to end, as you find something suitable. You may undergo some anxiety in completing an assignment on the academic front. Trying out something new on the fitness front is possible and may benefit you immensely.

Love Focus: Your romantic stars appear strong, so expect your love life to rock!

Lucky Colour: Magenta

Lucky Alphabet: S

Friendly Numbers: 7, 14

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Leo

Be careful of: Taurus

* Leo (July 23-August 23): Good showing on the academic front will help you in forging ahead with confidence. Travelling out of town and staying with a friend or relative is on the cards. Responsibility given to someone for getting something done on the home front, threatens to fall back on your shoulders. Chance to put somebody you dislike on the mat may materialize on the family front. A bad property deal may haunt some. Regular routine promises to keep you fit and energetic. Sudden requirement of money can get you worried, but help will be at hand. Some more preparation may be needed for showcasing your talents on the professional front.

Love Focus: Romance is likely to be high on your agenda today, so get partner in mood!

Lucky Colour: Bottle Green

Lucky Alphabet: P

Friendly Numbers: 1, 11

Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & Capricorn

Be careful of: Aries

* Virgo (August 24-September 23): Someone may expect you to extend a helping hand on the family front, so don’t disappoint. A trip out of town may suddenly materialize, so get set for a great time! Acquiring a new two or four wheeler cannot be ruled out for some. Pressure mounts on the academic front. Those not regular in daily workouts are likely to get their act together on the fitness front. A long outstanding payment is likely to be received soon and add to your wealth. Playing one against the other on the professional front can get you short-term gains, but may not prove favourable in the long run. Spouse or a family member may have lined up a surprise for you today.

Love Focus: Someone you have a soft corner for may warm up to you, so expect an exciting time on the romantic front!

Lucky Colour: Pink

Lucky Alphabet: L

Friendly Numbers: 8, 16

Friendly Zodiac Today: Taurus & Capricorn

Be careful of: Cancer

* Libra (September 24-October 23): Good going is foreseen for those who have taken up a new job recently. You may become part of an official contingent for overseas travel, so get set for an enjoyable time! Some of you may plan to shift to a better place. You will be able to give a good account of yourself on the academic front. Remaining regular in your fitness regimen will keep you full of energy. A boost in earning is foreseen and promises to keep you financially secure.

Love Focus: Tight schedule can make it difficult for you to spend a quiet evening with lover.

Lucky Colour: Peach

Lucky Alphabet: K

Friendly Numbers: 2, 6, 8

Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Libra

Be careful of: Taurus

* Scorpio (October 24-November 22): A property decision is not likely to be in your favour. Excellent performance is likely to open many doors for you on the academic front. Good profits accrue in a venture and promise to make your wealth grow. Financially, you will manage to remain stable. Marketing personnel will be able to achieve what they set out for. An impromptu leisure trip may prove memorable.

Love Focus: Love life will prove immensely fulfilling.

Lucky Colour: Lavender

Lucky Alphabet: J

Friendly Numbers: 4, 8, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Gemini & Leo

Be careful of: Libra

* Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): A treat, coupled with an enjoyable outing, is likely to make your day. A suitable accommodation is likely to be found. You will be satisfied by your level of preparation on the academic front. You will manage to maintain good health by eating right and remaining active. Don’t get carried away just to show others that you too can splurge. Those in a government job can experience some tense moments. Good news on the domestic front will help you remain in buoyant mood.

Love Focus: Your romantic endeavors may not succeed at first, but perseverance will certainly pay!

Lucky Colour: White

Lucky Alphabet: R

Friendly Numbers: 5, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Capricorn & Libra

Be careful of: Cancer

* Capricorn (December 22-January 21): Family front will become the most happening place soon, as some of you go about organizing a do at your place. Setting out on pilgrimage cannot be ruled out for some. Some of you may get busy in giving house a facelift. Academic front remains satisfactory. Luck favours you on the financial front, as you manage to tap extra source of income. Not succumbing to temptations will be your key to maintaining excellent health. Jewelers or those dealing in gold and gems may find the day profitable.

Love Focus: Spending time with lover is indicated and will be fun.

Lucky Colour: Orange

Lucky Alphabet: D

Friendly Numbers: 9, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Sagittarius

Be careful of: Aries

* Aquarius (January 22-February 19): Chances of dealing harshly with someone on the family front for doing something you dislike look real. Someone may compel you for a journey that you are reluctant to undertake. A suitable place to reside is likely to be shortlisted by some. A senior is likely to favour you on the academic front and offer you all the help. A change in lifestyle may prove most beneficial for your health. You move towards financial stability. Decisions arrived at on the professional front will meet the approval of higher ups.

Love Focus: Getting romantically involved with someone is possible, so expect the days to turn exciting!

Lucky Colour: Dark Brown

Lucky Alphabet: Y

Friendly Numbers: 1, 4, 7

Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Gemini

Be careful of: Libra

* Pisces (February 20-March 20): Travel plans will go without a hitch. A property is likely to be acquired by some. You will be meticulous on the academic front and win praise from those who matter. Financially, you are likely to find yourself on the top of the world. Enjoying good health by getting serious on the exercise and workout fronts is indicated. Hiring people for specialized work may prove a daunting task. Family will be supporting and do much to keep you in a buoyant mood.

Love Focus: There is a fifty-fifty chance of partner reciprocating your lovey-dovey feeling today, so doesn’t miss out on the opportunity!

Lucky Colour: Golden

Lucky Alphabet: T

Friendly Numbers: 2, 4, 8

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Cancer

Be careful of: Virgo

The astrologer can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected]

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