How police pilots flying a helicopter made a kid smile. Watch

Police officials, all over the world, always stay ready to answer the call of duty. They also go above and beyond their roles to help someone or simply make a kid’s day. This tale, which is both sweet and heartening, is a perfect example. It showcases how a police department took it upon themselves to make a helicopter loving four-year-old smile.

National Police Air Service, which provides support to air forces across England and Wales, took to Twitter to share the story and a video which is now tugging at the heartstrings of many. Chances are it’ll have the same effect on you too.

The video shows the kid, holding a model helicopter in his hand, excitedly looking at a real one.

The kid, identified as Callum McKinney, went to edge of Hawarden Airport in Flintshire to see helicopters, his favourite aircraft, reports the BBC. When the police pilots spotted the boy, they decided to do something amazing and hover around while sounding the siren.

“Shout out to Callum aged 4. We think your helicopter is brilliant and we hope you liked our sirens!” they department wrote while sharing the clip.

Take a look at the video which is absolutely adorable to watch:

Since being shared, the video has gathered over 2.1 lakh views – and the numbers are only increasing. It has also amassed more than 12,000 likes and close to 1,200 retweets. The share also received tons of comments from people.

“Can I ask why a helicopter has sirens? (Not complaining, genuinely curious.)” asked a Twitter user. To which, the department answered, “They’re mainly an attention grabber, if people (including kids) go missing we can alert the public and ‘sky shout’ a description of said missing person.” Surprised, another user of the micro-blogging site joined the conversation with this comment:

“Omg this is amazing! My daughter (turns 4 tomorrow) thinks the police copter is ace,” expressed a Twitter user. Here’s how others reacted:

What do you think of the video?

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