In DU exam round 2, fewer answer sheets sent through email

In the first cycle of OBE, held between August and September, the university had received around 5.5 lakh answer scripts through email.

With almost all papers completed in the second cycle of its Open Book Examination, Delhi University officials said it was smoother than the first round, especially with a significant drop in the number of answer script submissions via email instead of the university exam portal.

In the first cycle of OBE, held between August and September, the university had received around 5.5 lakh answer scripts through email. This led to a labour intensive and prolonged evaluation process because of which some students are still awaiting their results. The large number of email submissions had been caused by glitches faced by students while trying to upload on the portal.

This time, the university actively dissuaded students from sending their scripts via email.

“I came up with the idea that students can send their scripts to the nodal officers if all else fails and they cannot submit through the portal within five hours. Despite this, we received around 3,800 emails on the first day. After that I sent a detailed email directly to 1.5 lakh students — instead of a notification on the website — to explain the options available to them within five hours… When college authorities told me that some students cannot understand English, I sent the same email in Hindi as well,” said Dean, Examinations, D S Rawat.

He said on the second day, the number of emails reduced to 1,200. Thereafter, there was an average of 10-15 email submissions per college in a day.

Ashutosh Kumar, nodal officer at the College of Vocational Studies, said many students at the college submitted answer scripts through email in the first few days. “In the first three days of the exam, students of different vocational programmes having common papers found that only students of one programme were receiving the question paper on the portal. They shared the question papers with each other but had no option but to submit through email. We received around 500 emails on those three days. After that problem was fixed, the numbers dropped to around 50 per day,” he said.

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