East Bengal crisis: ‘A ray of hope emerges’, solution on the horizon

East Bengal club executive members had refused to sign the final agreement with Shree Cement, claiming discrepancy in the initial term sheet.

The ongoing tug of war between East Bengal club officials and Shree Cement might be resolved as early as Friday evening or on Saturday morning. This development comes on the back of sources close to the club confirming that there will be two meetings held today at the East Bengal Club. First, a meeting of contract mediators with club officials which will be followed by a meeting of the working committee of the club in the evening.

“A few points are remaining to be agreed upon but there is a ray of hope that we can see. That is why we are holding two meetings. We are trying to resolve the matter and that is why we are meeting those helping us in the process of resolution. The club is very hopeful at the moment,” said a top club official to the indianexpress.com.

The same view was echoed by Srenik Sett, advisor of Shree Cement, who is also a Life Member of East Bengal. “Something positive will come out and supporters want to see East Bengal play football. They are not interested in all these matters. So yes a piece of positive news seems on the horizon,” he told this news website on Friday afternoon.

The ongoing tussle has also put the club’s participation in the Indian Super League in doubt as East Bengal club executive members refused to sign the final agreement with Shree Cement, claiming discrepancy in the initial term sheet.

The initial document was signed by both parties in the presence of Banerjee in September 2020, that paved the way for a dramatic entry of East Bengal into ISL.

But over the past few months, club officials have raised questions about multiple terms of the contract. This resulted in massive outrage among fans which boiled over on the streets as clashes erupted between the supporters of both sides of the club. Social media was also divided on the matter.

Among the few points raised by the officials are-

Irrevocable and perpetual transfer of all rights including Members Rights, Maidan Tent Premises, including the timing, identity documents required for entry and other operations related matters shall be decided by the Board.

Premises of the EB Club known as the Tent (East Bengal Ground), located at the Maidan in the city of Kolkata, which include the following (and any and all other facilities/rooms/fixtures) in entirety existing on as-is, where-is basis on Signing Date Club.

Meanwhile, several reports emerged over the past two days claiming Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee felt that the contract proposed by Shree Cement is unfair, and hence she has instructed the East Bengal club not to sign on any such contract involving. However, these reports have also been rubbished by sources close to both parties.

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