‘Saving Private Ryan’ to ‘Water’: Films that inspired director Bramma

An underrated Russian movie and a Tom Hanks classic make up filmmaker Bramma’s list for this week’s watchlist

City Of God

It is my favourite film. There are two sides to every story and City Of God goes to the underbellies of Brazil. The story is told in a non-linear format. I was able to relate to a lot of things, not only in terms of geography but also the politics. What stood out for me was its treatment, which reflects reality, but with a sympathetic gaze.

The Ambassador to Bern

It is a Hungarian film, which is a fictitious take on the attack against the Hungarian Embassy in Bern (in 1958). I was pleasantly surprised by this one because the story felt real.

Saving Private Ryan

I know it is a popular choice, but this is one film that has really inspired me over the years. The greatness not only lies in the war sequences but in human emotion as well. In fact, I still remember what Tom Hanks’ character says to Matt Damon’s. Its closing portion is something that has stayed with me for a long time.


Set in pre-Independent India, the film explores the lives of widows and makes a strong case against patriarchy and ostracism. Some of the portions are extremely effective, and it is a powerful film from Deepa Mehta. Water is perhaps one of the first films that made me want to pursue a career in cinema.


This Russian movie is about a couple in a disintegrating marriage seen from the eyes of their son, and reflects the situation across the world. It is a quiet film, which has a powerful hidden message. The movie is made almost like a mood piece, which I really liked.

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